New Hart’s Rules: The Oxford Style Guide

Author: Oxford University Press (Ed)

Hardback | New

Provides the information and guidance you need to prepare written copy to a high standard. Compiled by experts and using the resources of Oxford Languages it is the authoritative guide to style for writers, editors, and anyone who works with words. (480 pages)


Twenty-one chapters give information on all aspects of writing and of preparing copy for publication, whether in print or electronically. New Hart's Rules gives guidance on a broad range of topics including publishing terms, layout and headings, how to treat illustrations, hyphenation, punctuation, and bibliographies and notes. Includes chapters on dealing with the use and presentation of illustrations, with the conventions of scientific publishing, and with the art of indexing. A chapter explores and summarizes the differences between UK and US English. The text is designed and organized for maximum accessibility with clearly displayed examples throughout. Authoritative and comprehensive, and endorsed by the Society for Editors and Proofreaders, New Hart's Rules is the essential desk guide for all writers and editors.

ISBN: 9780199570027 | Publisher: Oxford University Press (UK) | Published: 2014

Category: Writing / Editing / Publishing