Woodland Workshop

Author: B Law

Hardback | New

Ben Law explains what makes a good workshop, outlines the key tools and shows how to make devices from scratch.


ISBN: 9781784943431 | Publisher: Guild of Master Craftsman Publications (UK) | Published: 2018

Category: Rural crafts, Trees, Woodworking

A woodland craftsman's workshop should bring immense pleasure, whether it be a simple tarpaulin shelter deep in the woods or a purpose-built haven to shelter from the elements. The tools and devices that furnish it are unique to woodland work and have formed the heritage of woodland crafts that we have today. Following on from his successful book Woodland Craft, woodsman Ben Law explains what makes a good workshop, outlines the key tools needed, gives information on how to sharpen them and shows us how to make an array of fascinating devices from scratch. Clear step-by-step instructions, photographs and beautiful illustrations guide you through the making process. Coupled with interesting titbits of historical and practical information, this is an invaluable guide for every green woodworker.

AUTHOR: Ben Law, woodsman, craftsman, eco-builder, teacher and writer, lives and works in Prickly Nut Wood in West Sussex, UK. The building of his unique woodland home was featured on Channel 4's Grand Designs in the UK and was voted by viewers as the most popular episode ever. In addition to the coppicing of his own woodland, he runs courses on sustainable woodland management and permaculture and trains apprentices. Ben Law is the author of several books, including The Woodland House, The Woodland Year, Woodsman: Living in a Wood in the 21st Century and Woodland Craft (GMC Publications, 2015).